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Health and Safety
bundle. Enquire here!
Health and Safety

Food Safety and Hygiene - The Workplace

This course is in the base subscription pack
Health and Safety
Bundle - Sub Category
Course Duration
Subject Matter Expert
Kineo UK
Kineo UK

The EssentialsPlus Food Safety & Hygiene module will teach you about food safety and hygiene in the workplace as well as improving your knowledge on food contamination, hygiene and allergens. The module is made up of 3 bitesize sections; Food Safety and You, Food Contamination and The Workplace.

Target Audience

These courses are suitable for anyone responsible for handling food in a UK organisation, or a global organisation with a UK footprint, to ensure that workers are compliant with the latest legislation.

Learning Outcomes

In the final section, The Workplace, you will learn to:

- identify how to keep the work area and equipment clean and tidy to include cleaning and disinfection methods, safe use and storage of cleaning chemicals and materials, and waste disposal

- state how work flow, work surfaces and equipment can reduce contamination risks and aid cleaning

- state the importance of pest control.